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Discrimination The Indian in American Society

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Discrimination is each restrictions, harassment, or exclusion either directly or indirectly based on human differences on the basis of religion, race, ethnic group, social status, economic status, gender, language, beliefs which resulted in the reduction or removal of the recognition, implementation, or the use of human rights and fundamental freedoms in both individual and collective life in the political, economic, social, cultural and other aspects of life. Discrimination usually occurs in minority population by majority population. In addition, this also occurs in Indian who received discrimination by majority population, white American. Indian is a native American who live in America before Columbus found this continent. In Ten Indian story, Ernest Hemingway wants to show that there are many kinds of discrimination that received by the Indian from the white American: living, behavior, and treatment.

“I went for a walk up by the Indian camp.”(Ernest Hemingway:1928:81).That statement shows that the Indian lives in camp. They  live in tents that is called tepee which made from buffalo skin stretched on wooden frame that on the top there is a cover that can be opened so that the smoke from the fire can get out. Before the white American came to America, they live spread throughout in the land that now is called United States. However, when the white American came to America, the Indian was starting out from their land. The white American began to form colonies that wanted to seize land owned by Indian. They moved the Indian to the place that is called reservation. They seem to have lost their felicity. The white America have taken away great part of their country, and consequently made everything less plenty amongst them. In that place, the Indian had their own government. They generally live from hunting, fishing, and farming.

The Indian live  in situation which is not advantageous. The women have an important role in tribal life. They are preparing the food, making the clothes, and raising their children. However, they are only an object. They must be want to accept any treatments: sexual harassment from the white American or the men in their tribes, and they are not able to fight it. In Ten Indians story by Ernest Hemingway, The men Indians were all in town getting drunk. That is one of reasons why the white American more underestimate them.

After the arrival of Europeans, the Indians had their nightmare. The white American treated them badly. “The Indian had been asleep, face down in the sand. Joe dragged him into the bushes and got back up on the wagon-box.”(Ernest Hemingway:1928:78). That statement shows about a bad treatment that is done by the white American to them. The Indians are not allowed to have relationship with the white American in any cases. They are the second class in American society. The white American assumed that they are low-level human, so they are nothing. They only be used as slave because they did not have special skill. The white American only need to employ them in slave’s job: care of agriculture land. Besides, squaws, they regarded them as their sex slave. It is bad treatments that happen in Indian society.

The Indians live in American society which have modern life style and the highest economy in the world. However, they have not share and right anything in that society. In fact, during the white America came to America until now, in there was happened any discrimination to the native American, the Indians: they living in reservation, they have any bad attitudes, and they have not a good job and their free life. In addition, Ernest Hemingway described all about them in his book “MEN WITHOUT WOMEN”.

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